OSHA 7115 Lockout-Tagout

7115 - VILT | CO | Available

1/29/2025 (one day)
8:00 AM-3:30 PM MDT on Wed

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OSHA 7115 Lockout-Tagout

7115 - VILT | CO | Available

OSHA 7115 Lockout/Tagout - Cost $185.00
This course covers the role and responsibilities of employers to develop and implement a hazardous energy control program, or lock-out/tag-out (LOTO), for the protection of workers while performing servicing and maintenance activities on machinery and equipment. Course topics include types of hazardous energy, detecting hazardous conditions, implementing control measures as they relate to the control of hazardous energy, developing and implementing energy control programs including written isolation procedures, training of authorized and affected employees, and periodic inspection of energy control procedures using the OSHA Control of Hazardous Energy Standard. Upon course completion, the student will have the ability to explain the importance of hazardous energy control programs, procedures, training, audits, and methods of controlling hazardous energy. Minimum student contact hours: 7.5

Prerequisites:  None

  • Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) Classes

    Per OSHA’s guidelines for VILT courses, students are required to have video capabilities and must be visible at all times to the instructor and facilitator during the class. Unfortunately, if a student cannot comply with this requirement, they will not be able to attend the class. Students are required to attend all days and times in order to receive a course completion certificate and/or trainer card. Students must use a desktop or laptop to participate. Tablets or phones are not allowed.

    IMPORTANT: The VILT classes at CEF Colorado are available to anyone who lives or works in OSHA Region 8 (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado). Additionally, if you are a current Outreach Trainer with CEF Colorado, regardless of your residence, you are still eligible to attend a Trainer Update Course

    I certify that the information I have included herein and submitted to the OTI Education Center is true and accurate. I understand that I will be subject to immediate dismissal from the OSHA Outreach Training Program if information provided herein is not true and correct. I further understand that providing false information herein may subject me to civil and criminal penalties under Federal law, including 18 U.S.C. 1001 and section 17(g) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. 666 (g), which provides criminal penalties for making false statements or representations in any document filed pursuant to that Act.