OSHA 501-GI Trainer

501 - VILT | CO | Available

8:00 AM-3:30 PM MDT on Mon Tue Wed Th

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OSHA 501-GI Trainer

501 - VILT | CO | Available

OSHA #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry - Cost $800

This course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion.  Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course. Minimum student contact hours: 26

Prerequisites:  Students must successfully complete the OSHA #511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and have five (5) years of safety and health work experience in general industry. A degree in occupational safety and health, a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) or a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) designation may be substituted for two (2) years of work related experience.  Students should obtain guidance on whether they meet this requirement from the OSHA Training Institute Education Center where they intend to receive the training. Authorized OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend OSHA #503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers at least once every four (4) years to maintain their trainer status.

  • Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) Classes

    Per OSHA’s guidelines for VILT courses, students are required to have video capabilities and must be visible at all times to the instructor and facilitator during the class. Unfortunately, if a student cannot comply with this requirement, they will not be able to attend the class. Students are required to attend all days and times in order to receive a course completion certificate and/or trainer card. Students must use a desktop or laptop to participate. Tablets or phones are not allowed.

    IMPORTANT: The VILT classes at CEF Colorado are available to anyone who lives or works in OSHA Region 8 (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado). Additionally, if you are a current Outreach Trainer with CEF Colorado, regardless of your residence, you are still eligible to attend a Trainer Update Course

    I certify that the information I have included herein and submitted to the OTI Education Center is true and accurate. I understand that I will be subject to immediate dismissal from the OSHA Outreach Training Program if information provided herein is not true and correct. I further understand that providing false information herein may subject me to civil and criminal penalties under Federal law, including 18 U.S.C. 1001 and section 17(g) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. 666 (g), which provides criminal penalties for making false statements or representations in any document filed pursuant to that Act.