Portrait and Figure Drawing and Painting

Portrait and Figure Drawing and Painting

Class | FULL

7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Yellow Barn Studio
10:00 AM-12:30 PM EST on Sat

Portrait and Figure Drawing and Painting

Class | FULL

Learn to draw and paint like the masters! Work from live models to learn how to draw accurately, build structure with light and shadow and understand color. You are free to draw, paint or both. For beginning to advanced students. Model fee extra. Students under 18 welcome but you and your parent/guardian must obtain instructor permission prior to enrollment. More info: gavinglakas@yahoo.com; 202.550.8806. Minimum age 16. 10 sessions.

Gavin Glakas

Gavin Glakas Biography

Director Yellow Barn