Abstract Representation: Cezanne, VanGogh, and Gauguin

Abstract Representation: Cezanne, VanGogh, and Gauguin

Class | Available

7300 MacArthur Ave Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Stone Tower Studio
1:30 PM-4:00 PM EST on Fri

Abstract Representation: Cezanne, VanGogh, and Gauguin

Class | Available

This spring, we will delve into the transformative work of Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, and Paul Gauguin—three groundbreaking artists who redefined the boundaries between representation and abstraction. We will explore their revolutionary approaches to color, form, and composition, which continue to inspire artists today. Through a mix of lectures and exercises, we’ll investigate why their work remains so influential and how these masters laid the groundwork for modern and abstract art.  Visit jjbruns.com/class-notes/ to see the class syllabus and supply list or email Jordan at jjordanbruns@gmail.com with any questions. Minimum age 14. 9 sessions.

Jordan Bruns

Jordan Bruns Biography