Abstract Representation: Surface and Texture

Abstract Representation: Surface and Texture

Class | Available

7300 MacArthur Ave Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Stone Tower Studio
1:30 PM-4:00 PM EST on Fri

Abstract Representation: Surface and Texture

Class | Available

Texture is one of the most vital—and exciting—elements in art, bringing a new dimension to your work. In this class, we’ll dive deep into the many ways to enrich your paintings through surface and texture, using techniques like collage, stamps, mediums, and additives. You’ll learn not only how to incorporate these materials, but also when and where they’re most effective, creating dynamic surfaces that captivate and engage the viewer. Visit jjbruns.com/class-notes/ to see the class syllabus and supply list or email Jordan at jjordanbruns@gmail.com with any questions. Minimum age 14. 5 sessions.

Jordan Bruns

Jordan Bruns Biography