Middle School Open Studio (Ages 11-15)

Middle School Open Studio (Ages 11-15)

Class | Available

Arcade Building Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Room 201
5:15 PM-6:45 PM EST on Mon

Middle School Open Studio (Ages 11-15)

Class | Available

Middle School Open Studio is a flexible afterschool option for students ages 11-15, offering access to a wide range of art materials and tools. Whether they want to explore new techniques or work on personal projects, students are encouraged to bring their own creative ideas and make them a reality in a supportive, self-guided environment.  More info: emma.p.stevenson@gmail.com; 301.922.7970. 3 sessions.

  • **NO CLASS DATE** April 14

    Note: Post catalog production change to times: now 5:15-6:45pm
Emma Stevenson Cowan