Elementary Mixed Media Art Explorations (6-10)

Elementary Mixed Media Art Explorations (6-10)

Class | Available

Arcade Building Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Room 201
10:00 AM-12:00 PM EST on Sat

Elementary Mixed Media Art Explorations (6-10)

Class | Available

Are you ready to explore the exciting world of mixed media? In this class for kids who love to experiment, we'll dive into a variety of mixed media techniques. From marbleizing paper to silk screen printing onto fabric, and even creating painted paper collages. There will even be time for your young artist to revisit their favorite technique for more independent art-making - all while fostering creativity! More info: emma.p.stevenson@gmail.com. 301.922.7970. 4 sessions.

Emma Stevenson Cowan

Madeleine Longano