Clay Sculpture - 7pm

Clay Sculpture - 7pm

Class | Available

Arcade Building Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Rooms 202 & 203
7:00 PM-10:00 PM EST on Th

Clay Sculpture - 7pm

Class | Available

Relaxed workshop for beginners to advanced. Create figure studies or busts using a life model. Work on your own ideas using photos or sketches or follow a formal course of instruction. Works can be fired. $90 studio fee payable to instructor at first class (model fee included). More info:; 301.922.7970. Students under 18 welcome but you and your parent/guardian must obtain instructor permission prior to enrollment. Minimum age 16. 4 sessions. 

  • Post catalog production; $10 increase to supply fee. Now $90
Emma Stevenson Cowan