Nature-Inspired Art & Artists Classes – Harper and Monet (Ages 5 – 8)

Nature-Inspired Art & Artists Classes – Harper and Monet (Ages 5 – 8)

Class | Available

Arcade Building Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Room 303
10:30 AM-12:00 PM EST on Sat

Nature-Inspired Art & Artists Classes – Harper and Monet (Ages 5 – 8)

Class | Available

Discover the world of nature-inspired art and artists. Each session will include outdoor mini adventures in the park combined with classroom creativity. We will focus on a different artist - each week - including Charley Harper and Claude Monet and Louise Bourgeois! For instance, we'll learn how Charley Harper and his use of geometric shapes to create beautiful birds. We will study shapes and practice our cutting and gluing skills to create our own Harper-inspired bird collages.

More info:; 240.346.7025. 2 sessions.

  • No Class Date Apr 19
Sarah Rizk