Nature-Inspired Art & Artists Classes – Klee and Khalo (Ages 5– 8)

Nature-Inspired Art & Artists Classes – Klee and Khalo (Ages 5– 8)

Class | Available

Arcade Building Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Room 303
1:30 PM-3:00 PM EST on Sun

Nature-Inspired Art & Artists Classes – Klee and Khalo (Ages 5– 8)

Class | Available

Discover the world of nature-inspired art and artists. Outdoor mini adventures in the park combined with classroom creativity. Learn about Paul Klee and Frida Khalo! We will learn about the artists and find our own inspirations to make our own mixed media artwork.

More info:; 240.346.7025. 2 sessions.

  • No Class Date May 11
Sarah Rizk