Oil Painting

Oil Painting

Class | Registration opens 2/5/25 10:00 AM EST

7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Yellow Barn Studio
9:00 AM-11:30 AM EST on Wed

Oil Painting

Class | Registration opens 2/5/25 10:00 AM EST

Dive deep into the essentials of composition, color, and oil techniques while unleashing your creativity! Work on your own projects or follow instructor-guided exercises, exploring subjects like landscapes and still life. Enjoy lively demonstrations, personalized instruction, and optional group critiques to enhance your skills and confidence. Class for all levels (basic prior experience recommended). Supply list available at gonzaloruiznavarro.com. More info: gonzalofineart@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 9 sessions.

Gonzalo Ruiz Navarro

Gonzalo Ruiz Navarro Bio

Director Yellow Barn