Landscape, Figure & Studio Painting

Landscape, Figure & Studio Painting

Class | Registration opens 2/5/25 10:00 AM EST

7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Yellow Barn Studio
4:00 PM-6:30 PM EST on Wed

Landscape, Figure & Studio Painting

Class | Registration opens 2/5/25 10:00 AM EST

Join us painting onsite. Subjects include landscapes, figures and still life. Emphasis is on the figure and there will be a model each class. Lectures on composition, color, drawing and painting are included. This course is designed for all levels of experience and may be repeated. More info: or 301.964.1897. Minimum age 16.  6 sessions.

Walt Bartman

Walt Bartman Biography

Director Yellow Barn