Explorations in Oil and Cold Wax Painting

Explorations in Oil and Cold Wax Painting

Class | Available

7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD 20812 United States
Yellow Barn Studio
4:00 PM-6:30 PM EST on Th

Explorations in Oil and Cold Wax Painting

Class | Available

The oil and cold wax medium allows the artist to build layers, creating luminous and textural works that intrigue the viewer. In this class you will learn to use the tools and techniques that are unique to this medium. While students will bring the basic supplies, the instructor will provide the tools and a variety of materials that allow the student to learn what this medium can do without a big investment. Supply list provided. All levels. Info: rhughesfineart@gmail.com. Minimum age 16. 6 sessions.

Jennifer Hughes

Jennifer Hughes Biography

Director Yellow Barn