VIRTUAL: Engineering with Simple Machines in the Preschool Setting (3 CUR) - English
Workshop |
Engineering with Simple Machines in the Preschool Setting
Science is so fascinating because it is literally all around us, and simple machines are the perfect examples! We use them daily, often without even realizing it. Young children are fascinated by machines they see in their daily lives and in the media. This workshop explores opportunities for young children to wonder and innovate using simple machines and to build scientific thinking skills along the way.
3 Core of Knowledge Hours in Curriculum
MSDE Course ID#: MC-12062024-01
Rashi Sharma
Rashi Sharma, Center-Based Quality Enhancement Coordinator
Rashi works with child care centers to enhance their quality in Maryland EXCELS, state and national accreditation or reaccreditation, and leadership skills. She also assists in guiding those that are interested in opening a child care center of their own. Rashi has been in many early childhood education positions including a floater, pre-kindergarten teacher, kindergarten teacher, administration, and NAEYC. Fun facts about Rashi: her name means Zodiac Signs in Sanskrit and she is a roller-coaster enthusiast!