Preteen Music Skills

Preteen Music Skills

Fall Preteen | Registration closed 9/21/2024

327 South Main Street Pittsburgh, PA 15220 United States
Voice & Music Studio
11:15 AM-12:00 PM EST on Sat

Preteen Music Skills

Fall Preteen | Registration closed 9/21/2024

Students in Preteen Music Skills: Group And Solo Vocal Performance Basics will begin to learn the basics of musical theater style singing, including; reading music, part singing, and how to warm-up their voice properly. They will also begin to build a repertoire of songs that they feel comfortable singing by themselves, or with their classmates in the front of class.

There is no prerequisite for this class.

  • As always we ask that you wear proper shoes and clothes for all classes.
  • All students of the acting, voice, and Music Theater Workshop classes should wear comfortable clothes and appropriate shoes.
  • A binder with paper and pencil is always useful for music, acting, and Music Theater Workshop classes.