Genealogy Research

Genealogy Research

Social Science/History | Available (Membership Required)

12535 W. Smokey Dr. Surprise, AZ 85378 United States
3/18/2025 (one day)
10:00 AM-12:00 PM MST (Arizona) on Tue

Genealogy Research

Social Science/History | Available (Membership Required)

If you are just beginning or have been doing Ancestry research, for a time, you may wish to attend this class. You will be given free internet websites you may not know about in order to find records on your ancestors. You will also find out about our wonderful genealogy library right here in Youngtown - The West Valley Genealogy Society/Library.  Lots of handouts and a Power Point will be added to this interesting class.

  • Gloria Tesh Parker was born and raised in Michigan and obtained a bachelor’s degree from Oakland University, in Rochester, MI in Sociology and an Associate of Arts degree from Edmonds Community College in Edmonds, WA for Legal Assistant. From 1975-1979, she served in the United States Marine Corps, stationed in San Diego, CA as an MP (Military Police). As an adult she has lived in California (3+ years), Washington (35 years), central Oregon (6 years) and in Arizona since November 2021. After eight years as a stay-at-home Mom, she worked for Snohomish County in Washington. She started as a Records Clerk and then a Court Clerk in the County Clerk’s Office. She than moved onto the Criminal Felony Unit of the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office where she retired as a Paralegal. She is the mother of three sons, two live in Arizona and one in Washington, and the grandmother to three grandsons. In December 2021, she joined the West Valley Genealogy Society and attended their annual seminar in February 2022. On the survey from the that seminar she volunteered for the seminar committee. That initial “I will help” expanded into her becoming a library aide and as of this past January, the new Director of Membership Outreach; a job she is still learning. She has been
    working on her family history since the early 1970s and has viewed it as her own Sherlock Holmes mystery. A mystery where she needs to find all the puzzle pieces and figure out how they all fit together.
Gloria Parker