Are Your Beneficiaries a Mess?

Finance/Law | Available (Membership Required)

12535 W. Smokey Dr. Surprise, AZ 85378 United States
3/24/2025 (one day)
12:30 PM-2:30 PM MST (Arizona) on Mon

Are Your Beneficiaries a Mess?

Finance/Law | Available (Membership Required)

As we get older we tend to forget what's what and who's who.  Back then, when we got that Financial Product, Insurance policy, IRA, Pension, etc. we elected beneficiaries.  Your Will won't cover it.  Since then things may have changed.  Now is probably the time to reconsider who you want to leave what to.  It's easy, you may not  need legal or financial advice, just contact the Provider and decide what is needed to change or keep.  Remember- your Will is not in control of this.  There are General and Specific rules.  Handouts provided. 

  • Lou is Certified and Appointed for over 30 years.  He has been Licensed by many states and providers.  Lou is an entertaining and engaging speaker.  He has spoken at dozens of venues including all the Sun Cities Lifelong Learning venues, Local C of C, American Association of Individual Investors Chapters, Military and Service Organizations, Humana service centers and hospitals.  Lou is a decorated Air Force Officer with Vietnam service.  He was past President of AAII and MOAA local chapters, both national organizations.  Lou has been married to wife Donna for over 50 years and has 2 kids and 3 grandkids.  Lou also has been a caregiver for his wife for over 25 years.  
Lou Annacone